What i want New Zealand to look like when i am 25...
New Zealand as is, does not feel normal. My grandfather has told me, when he was younger, New Zealand was a whole lot different.Despite New Zealand still running through the system of Democracy, everything has changed. What I have really kept an eye on, was Money. There is a common quote that states, Money is Everything.I believe that New Zealand abides to that quote because that is what makes The country function.
With New Zealand having 3 official languages, It also means there are 3 different ways of living (culture wise). Take my culture for example; The way of living in my culture is buy land, make money with that land and use that money to make more money. Once I have finished, I pass the land down to a direct descendant of my family. But you see, My grandfather says it was easy to make money back then and everything was so cheap. But now-days, as i said, it's a whole lot different.
a very large proportion of New Zealand is homeless. Reasons being, No job and even finding school non-affordable. I've learnt that school is a key part of life, and people that can't afford school is very heart breaking. When finding a job whilst homeless is extremely hard. Employers around this country have high expectations and qualifications in order to work in their specific space. This is something I really want to change.